We are glad to introduce you the NFT collection which was inspired by our dog Oswald Lee. It represents 300 types of real emotions and poses from the life of a Scotch terrier on the Solana blockchain. We have collected them throughout the life of our puppy, and we will be happy to give you a part of this huge universe.


Since the birth of Oswald, he has experienced many different emotions and experiences. From moving from mom to her new family, the first walks and trips around the homeland of Ukraine, meeting with friends, new discoveries and knowledge. We captured our whole life in photographs and reflected part of it in our first collection. You can go to our social networks and see real pictures inspired by Dogwald. Dogwald will grow and develop before your own eyes!

Phase one-

  • •Creation of a collection of 300 Dogwald on the Solana Blockchain☑️
  • •Secondary market Approval (Magic Eden, Solsea)☑️
  • •Launch Website☑️
  • •Mint
  • •Maintaining the price onthe secondary market and holding promotions for the distribution of Sol from the percentage of Royalties in our official Twitter.
  • •Starting an NFT game development.

Phase two-

  • •Distribute the time period for the following collections to maintain balance and price.
  • •Release of 10 new Dogwald and friends collections for a total of 3000 NFTs.
  • •Creation of game where purchased NFTs will be used.
  • •Creation of the Onyx token as a game currency.
  • •Game launch
  • •Creating and launching the Dogwald 3D NFT collection.
If you have joined our Dogwald universe, click here and check the uniqueness of your Dogwald!

Thanks to your purchase of Dogwald NFT of this collection, you bring the creation of the game (your own Dogwald) closer. Each of your Dogwalds is your own pet, which can bring you passive income in Onyx tokens. They will be used as the main currency in the game, you can use them to buy food for Dogwalds, care products, toys, which in turn will give you more money and make the game more interesting. You will be able to exchange your Onyx tokens on crypto exchanges.